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Teaching As a Profession

If you’re thinking about a career in teaching you probably have a hundred and one questions you would like answering. Here we will try to answer those questions and help you understand what it really takes to become a teacher. So what qualifications do you need to be a teacher? This depends on you starting point. If you already have a degree and are looking to retrain as a teacher you could do a PGCE course to become a teacher. Those that don’t hold a degree would need to undertake a   course at degree level. The course you take would deepened on if you would like to teach at a primary school or a secondary school. If you are thinking of teaching at primary school level there are s

English: computer teacher for adults

English: computer teacher for adults (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

pecialist education degree you can undertake which take 3 years.

We thought it might be helpful for you to have a first-hand account of what a typical day in the life of a teacher is like. Hopefully it will help you in your career choice to be

come a teacher.

A typical day as a teacher consist of an early start between 8am and 9am most arrive earlier to proper for the lesson ahead or to marks some papers.  At the start of each lesson you need to do register to make sure all students are accounted for. Once the register is marked the lesson will normally commence by checking everyone had done their homework from the night before and recap on the previous day’s lesson.  After this we would commence with teaching English or maths up until break time 10am. During the break give me time to check to up on my emails and phone calls to parents. Refuelled with a nice cup of tea, it’s back to the class room to continue teaching up until lunch time. This might involve some teaching on the pc or an art lesson.  Normally after lunch we would depending on the day of the week continue working on reading and writing skills. Late in the afternoon is time for some physical activity, which could be outdoor cricket or indoor hockey depending on the weather.  With 3:30pm home time fast approaching it’s time to set home work for the following day. After the children have left for the day it’s time to catch-up on paper work and to proper the lesson plans and some marking.


Whilst it can sound like allot of hard work it is also a very rewarding career path and the knowledge that you give to those students will stay with them forever.


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